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   Hello, and thank you for stopping by my site! I'm so excited that you are interested in me watching your child/children. Hopefully this will give you a great inside look on what to expect if you choose to bring your child to Alysen's Playroom.

   I have been nannying, professionally, for over 7 years. Helping children to develop and grow is one of the most meaningful parts of life. Allowing children to explore their creativity and learn independence is a very rewarding experience.

   After traveling to families over the years I have decided to take a step in a new direction. Completely operating my own business. There is no doubt in my mind that your child will benefit from Alysen's Playroom. Not only is it a safe space for your kids to be in, but your kids will get to develop social skills while learning the basic fundamentals of life. 

   It is incredibly hard to find a person or company that you feel is the right choice. Personally, I feel the exact same way. We need to be a right fit for each other if we are going to enhance and benefit your child/children. Some people are concerned that finding a babysitter will not allow a child the appropriate learning and social aspects they desire. Others find that a daycare does not allow the appropriate one-on-one time a child may need. That is where Alysen's Playroom comes in. I am the perfect middle ground. I can guarantee your kids will have group activities to participate in, they will get one on one time with me, and they will have a blast every single day.


Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. I look forward to meeting your family.

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